Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. Clear and remove all overgrown vegetation that is within five (5) feet of the new fence line determined at bid walk. Leave two (2) Palm trees in place. B. Contractor will remove existing fence and replace with new grey privacy link fence around new perimeter determined at bid walk. C. Furnish and install new eight (8’) foot fence at the North (front/gates) fence line and ten (10’) foot fence around the West, South and East (sides) fence lines. D. Install new line posts every six (6) feet on center where privacy link is installed – 2 7 /8” Schedule forty (40) set in twelve inches by forty-eight inch (12” x 48”) footing. E. Top and mid rail – 1 5 /8” Schedule forty (40). F. Bottom tension wire – nine (9) gauge smooth. G. Finish and install three strands of barbed wire and finish with razor wire on all areas/sides of perimeter. H. Install pedestrian gate at the West side, equipped with, entrance keypad, panic hardware, secured access/exit, that meets all ADA requirements. I. Remove, relocate, and replace with single sliding gate, motor, loops, guards, chain, and pedestal keypad on West side to the location determined at bid walk. Gate opening to be twenty feet wide by eight feet high (20’ W x 8’ H), grey privacy link. J. Replace and automate East gate to sliding twenty feet wide (20’ W) (from curb opposite dispatch) x eight feet high (8’ H), grey privacy link. Install loops, guards, chain, and pedestal keypad at the location determined at bid walk.