Specifications include, but are not limited to: The purpose of this Request for bid is to solicit bids from qualified suppliers to provide Multi-Gas Monitor Service, docking stations and associated support services for the Wisconsin Department of Justice. The product consists of portable, wearable multi-gas monitors and associated equipment necessary for deployment and operation to include: desktop chargers, vehicle chargers, calibration docking stations with related gas regulators and calibration cylinders, field testing adaptors with regulator and field test gas cylinders (also known as field/bump test cylinders). The real-time multi-gas monitors are capable of simultaneously detecting five gasses: Oxygen (O2); Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) (Pentane); Carbon Monoxide (CO); Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S); and Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN), to warn Arson Bureau employees of potentially hazardous or lifethreatening working conditions. The equipment is provided through a subscription service that includes the above referenced items along with cloud storage of recorded gas monitor data and function, with automatic email alerts/notifications for equipment requiring repair/maintenance and replacement of damaged and/or defective equipment.