Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Scope of Work includes but is not limited to the following required elements: • Develop an inclusive public engagement plan that includes virtual and in-person elements. Plan elements at a minimum should address engagement of key stakeholders and public input opportunities, etc. The plan shall establish how members of the general public will be engaged throughout the process and have opportunities to contribute meaningful input prior to final recommendations being made. A project web page must be maintained during the planning process. Public meetings will be hosted at the Village Hall/Public Safety Building in the Board Chambers, including a kickoff meeting to introduce the project and hear initial ideas and concerns, and then a review meeting to collect reactions to draft improvement concepts for the corridor. • Review the Village of Bellevue 2023-2043 Comprehensive Plan, Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan, Sewer Service Plan, etc. An inventory of existing transportation facilities including but not limited to the road network, transit routes, truck routes, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities, stormwater management is required. A review of local and regional recreation, transportation, comprehensive or other bicycle and pedestrian planning documents shall be summarized. • The selected consultant and village staff will walk, photograph and inventory the corridor to identify opportunities within the corridor. The evaluation will recognize the context of the corridor from the transition of land uses within and outside of the Village and how to maximize the highest and best use of the corridor while incorporating other elements to enhance the walkability, livability, and developability. • Through public engagement, the corridor plan shall detail goals, objectives, desired outcomes and timelines arrived at as part of the planning process. • Huron Road (County Highway EA) Corridor Plan: Following public input and stakeholder review of a draft corridor plan, the planning team will prepare a final corridor plan of the community-driven desired recommendations. The planning team will prepare a corridor plan, including alternative solutions and illustrations as necessary to convey critical concepts. The plan will include a summary of public engagement; summary of existing plans; community goals, objectives and outcomes; evaluation of alternatives, specific recommendations and implementation strategies that prioritize projects; funding recommendations, and an implementation timeline. The Plan implementation component will include a schedule for implementation of projects, strategies, and actions as well as cost estimates and funding sources to implement specific projects.