Specifications include, but are not limited to: The South Dakota Department of Education’s Division of College, Career, and Student Success (“State”) seeks a qualified vendor to provide professional services on behalf of the State of South Dakota (“Consultant”) for the purpose of providing PBIS services; 2.1 Facilitate and support the district-wide implementation of a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) to districts committed to the MTSS project according to the State MTSS manual and development of the annual MTSS project evaluation 2.1.1 Build local capacity within each district to enable districts to sustain their system independently with minimal support from MTSS coordinators. 2.1.2 Train district staff to independently gather and assess their data to make data-based decisions for all three tiers of their MTSS 2.1.3 Train district staff in evidence-based literacy and instructional practices 2.1.4 Provide trainings to school teams for school-wide, small group, and individual positive behavioral supports 2.1.5 Facilitate data digs to discover root causes of student behavior and academic challenges 2.1.6 Train school staff to preform data digs to ensure fidelity; 2.3 Provide assistance to school and district teams in developing and implementing their action plans. A 3-5 year plan is to be developed during the summer team trainings. MTSS coordinators will ensure schools are following their plan and implementing with fidelity. 2.3.1 Communicate frequently with assigned MTSS district staff to ensure implementation fidelity. 2.3.2 Assist the school/district team to prepare a presentation for the rest of the school/district staff. The coordinator will assist the team in presenting the material. 2.3.3 Attend school/district MTSS meetings based on each district’s individual needs, and provide technical assistance (TA) accordingly 2.3.4 Provide professional development activities as needed by MTSS districts to ensure fidelity of implementation (Data Analysis, new team trainings, coaching, behavior management, action plan development)