Specifications include, but are not limited to: • Professional Asbestos Services – Provide a full range of services including but not limited to EPA Building Inspector, Management Planner and Project Designer and oversight of Asbestos Projects as assigned. Services include writing technical reports, survey and design documents. Manage and field oversight will be required on these projects. • Indoor Air Quality Services – Provide a full range of engineering services including but not limited to: initial evaluation and building inspection, required testing for indoor air contaminates and documentation of water intrusion. Develop project design documents to remediate any environmental hazards such as mold, lead containing products, or bacteria found in duct work or water sources. Services include writing technical reports, survey and design documents. Management and field oversight will be required on these projects. • Laboratory Services – Provide laboratory analysis and onsite sampling and testing services in support of building projects to include: Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) for bulk and air samples, mold or moisture mitigation to include mold sampling on surfaces and speciation, temperature, relative humidity, moisture content. Lead paint sampling and identification to include paint chip and X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) scanner. Both destructive and non-destructive testing methods can be used based on the individual project needs. • Construction inspection/review and project assistance – Provide onsite inspection/review and abatement oversight with testing services for projects to include: Delaware Asbestos Project Monitor, EPA approved Asbestos Designer, Building Inspector, Management Planner, Delaware approved Lead Risk Assessor, Inspector and Designer for lead abatement projects.