Specifications include, but are not limited to: This segment of CTH J is a vital commuter link to the I-94 corridor as well as the local businesses andmunicipalities.The project will provide positively offset left-turn lanes in the northbound and southbound directions to improvedriver visibility of opposing traffic.Improvements may include: replacing the existing pavement, reconfiguring intersections to improve safety,replacing older traffic signal equipment, minor grading, median installation, storm sewer improvements. Access tobusinesses will be required to be maintained during construction. As part of the design, the pavementreplacement as well as lane geometrics shall be evaluated to accommodate current and future trafficrequirements and volumes.This project requires survey, the development of preliminary and final plans, environmental review and all reportsrequired and outlined within the contract documents, including all reports and work necessary to complete the P.S.& E.documents for the construction of this Pewaukee Road project