Specifications include, but are not limited to: It is the intent of Brown County to contract with a contractor/vendor, hereafter referred to as the “Contractor” for a wetland restoration and wildlife habitat project. The project is intended to address wildlife habitat and resource concerns related to water quality and erosion/sediment transport. The project will address areas by installing NRCS & WDNR approved best management practices. The designs are intended to improve water quality, reduce peak flows, prevent further erosion/sediment transport and improve wildlife habitat for multiple species. EARTHFILL - The inspector will inspect that all organic matter is removed from areas receiving fill prior to placement. Area will be inspected and documented for adequacy of earth fill materials and compaction. Lift thickness will be checked along with checking lines and grades to ensure that the systems are installed as planned. EXCAVATION - After excavation is complete, contractor is to notify the inspector prior to placing any fill so that the inspector can check the following items: check lines and grades as they are constructed and document that the system is installed as planned and see that adequate drainage is provided so that surface water does not pond. Excess material shall be disposed of outside of the flood-plain and wetlands to a suitable landowner and Brown County LWCD agreed upon location. TOPSOILING & VEGETATION - The inspector will check that the placement of topsoil (>3") is adequate for a viable seedbed, verify that the proper species and quantities of seed are applied, and that the seed is planted at the proper time of the year and that mulch is applied. Seeding shall be completed on all disturbed areas. Seeding shall be completed as soon as practicable. Seed mix shall conform to the plans and specifications. The inspector will verify seed used and document when sufficient vegetative cover has established.