Specifications include, but are not limited to: The improvements consist of furnishing all labor and materials for this project consisting of PCC patching, joint sealing, bituminous concrete super-pave type C overlay, PCC curb and sidewalk, guardrail, and upgraded signing and pavement markings. Follow other incidental construction in accordance with the location, notes and details shown on the plans, and as directed by the Engineer. The purpose of this contract is to make general improvements to roadways, sidewalks, curb and gutters, guardrail and upgrading signing and pavement markings on SR4, W. Newport Pike from Augustine St. to Limestone Rd. The Contractor is responsible for the support and protection of all utilities when excavating. The Contractor is responsible for ensuring proper clearances, including safety clearances, from overhead utilities for construction equipment. The Contractor is advised to check the site for access purposes for his equipment and, if necessary, make arrangements directly with the utility companies for field adjustments for adequate clearances. The roadway will be restriped to accommodate bicycle lanes by narrowing the existing travel lanes. Additionally, the existing concrete median will be removed and converted to a Two-Way Left-Turn Lane for most of the corridor with exclusive left-turn only lanes provided at the signalized intersections. The project will also involve adjustments to the adjacent driveways, inlets, curb ramps, and utilities.