The PCIU is part of a system used on the Air Force C-5M airlifter. This item provides the flight engineer a means to monitor and control the Embedded Diagnostic System (EDS) of the C-5M. The legacy PCIU is a ruggedized laptop mounted at the flight engineer station that provides the Graphical User Interface (GUI) between the airplane diagnostic and control systems for the flight engineer and maintainer. The laptop uses a Microsoft Windows XP OS. The PCIU is connected to the Auxiliary Maintenance Computer (AMC) through a standard Ethernet connection and receives airplane information in a near real-time environment from the AMC. The PCIU transfers a defined set of information elements to the personal computer memory card international association (PCMCIA) flash memory card, referred to as a Removable Memory Module (RMM), and displays requested information elements to the user through a GUI. The PCIU provides the ability to view faults, test points, graphs, and events, print data, forms, and reports, and perform BIT and advanced diagnostic functions of select air vehicle components.
All qualified sources need to complete the contractor capability survey that is attached.