This is a Sources Sought to identify sources capable and willing to perform this requirement.
The Wisconsin Air National Guard at Truax Field in Madison, WI requires hangar door repair services for Building 412. Seals are to be replaced on 5 doors, and factory certified maintenance is to be performed on 8 doors.
The line items requested for the hangar doors are:
-2 EA, Outer Bottom Door Seals and Hardware, East and West Doors of Bay A
-1 EA, Outer Bottom Door Seal, East Door of Bay C
-2 EA, Outer Bottom Door Seals, East and West Doors of Bay D
-1 EA, Factory Certified Maintenance for 8 doors. Includes, but not limited to inspection and adjustment of doors, mechanicals, lubrication, deficiency identification and general preventative maintenance.
Parts and workmanship shall meet original manufacturer specifications and quality. Vendor shall provide warranties of at least 1 year on workmanship and service.
Door specifications:
-Megadoor System 1500, Single Leaf. 97’6” width x 27’5” Height.
-Wind Load +/- 20 psf 19-22oz/sq yd fabric. Pliability -35C to +70C. Tensile strength 250/250 lbs per inch. Tear resistance 112/112lbs. UV stabilized 6-8 on a scale of 0-8. Fire resistance: self-extinguishing 0-75 flame spread.
-Bottom section made of steel. A rubber seal fixed to section ensures tightness against floor.
Sources capable and willing to provide these supplies and services are requested to email a response with “Sources Sought W50S9F-23-Q-0017” in the subject line and shall provide the following information:
1. Name of the firm and Unique Entity Identifier (UEI).
2. The socioeconomic status of the company.
3. Point of contact name, phone number, and email address.
4. Written narrative (not to exceed 1 page) of Contractor's capabilities, qualifications, and experience relative to the specified supplies and services. This means that a company must address its capabilities to perform this specific requirement, to include factory-certified maintenance of the hangar doors and ability to provide the required hangar door seals.
All interested concerns will provide the requested information via email to this office no later than the date specified.
This notice is issued solely for information and planning purposes. The Government is not seeking quotes, bids or proposals at this time and will not accept unsolicited proposals in response to this sources sought notice. The Government will not pay for any information or administrative costs incurred in response to this notice. Submittals will not be returned to the responder. Not responding to this notice does not preclude participation in any future RFQ or IFB or RFP, if any is issued.