The Contractor shall provide VA Milwaukee Medical Center located at 5000 W. National Ave., Milwaukee, WI, with Non-Destructive Testing Services. The result of this market research will contribute to determining the method of procurement. The applicable North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code assigned to this procurement is 541380. THERE IS NO SOLICITATION AT THIS TIME. This request for capability information does not constitute a request for proposals; submission of any information in response to this market survey is purely voluntary; the government assumes no financial responsibility for any costs incurred. DESCRIPTION/SPECIFICATIONS/WORK STATEMENT The Contractor shall provide all travel, labor, labor hours, management, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to conduct non-destructive testing of the DA Tank located at the boiler plant on the Clement J. Zablocki Medical Center Campus, Milwaukee, WI 53295, as defined in the Scope of Work (SOW). Item No. DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT TOTAL PRICE 001 Contractor to provide all supervision, labor, materials, and equipment necessary to conduct the non-destructive testing of the DA Tank located at the Boiler Plant. 1 JB $ _______ DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES Contractor shall: Coordinate with the VAMC POC to deenergize the DA Tank. Provide a visual inspection of the DA Tank shell, heads, penetration, and welds on the DA Tank. Perform the WFMT (Wet Florescent Magnetic Particle) Inspection of the internal tank welds. Determine the DA Tank wall thickness by Ultrasonic Testing (UT). Provide UT Test points that are taken at four equidistant points, around the tank shell and heads. Provide a Preliminary Field Report prior to departing the site and a Final Inspection Report, not later than (NLT) one month after the Inspection Date. Provide their own personal protective equipment, air monitoring equipment, and any other necessary confined space equipment needed to perform the listed tests and inspections. Provide a timeline and workflow plan to the VAMC POC within five (5) business days of contract award; any changes to the plan, thereafter, shall be approved by the VAMC POC. VA Medical Center Maintenance Personnel shall: 1. Have the DA Tank drained, cleaned and perform lock out /tag out for entry into the DA Tank prior to the contractor s arrival. HOURS OF OPERATION Normal hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm, excluding holidays. Federal and National Holidays observed by the VAMC are: National Holidays Federal Holidays New Year's Day Labor Day Independence Day Memorial Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day M L King's Birthday Columbus Day President's Day Veterans Day Juneteenth Independence Day Also included would be any other day specifically declared by the President of the United States to be a National Holiday. When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed as a legal holiday by U.S. Government agencies. When a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as a legal holiday. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS The Contractor s employees shall wear visible identification and company uniforms, approved by the POC, at all times while on the premises of the VAMC. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to park in the appropriate designated parking areas. Information on parking is available from the VA Police Section or the POC. The VAMC will not invalidate or make reimbursement for any parking violations of the Contractor under any conditions. Smoking is prohibited inside any buildings at the VAMC. Possession of weapons is prohibited. Enclosed containers, including tool kits, shall be subject to a search. Violations of VA regulations may result in citations answerable in the United States (Federal) District court, not a local district, state, or municipal court. PROTECTION OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY During work execution, the Contractor shall take special care to protect Government property including furniture, walls, baseboards, and other surfaces. Accidental splashes shall be removed immediately. Damage resulting from the Contractor operations shall be repaired by the Contractor, including painting, refinishing, or replacement, if necessary, at no additional cost to the Government. The Contractor shall be responsible to meet OSHA/Safety requirements in the performance of the work. This shall include, but not limited to, taking all the necessary precautions to protect the patients, visitors, and/or staff at each location. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any injuries and /or damage, which may be caused as a result of the Contractors failure to adhere to these requirements. DAMAGE Extreme caution shall be exercised to prevent damage to the building and its contents. Any damage must be reported to the POC immediately for appropriate action. Any damage caused by the contractor will be repaired and/or replaced to the satisfaction of the VA at the Contractor s expense. WARRANTY Contractor shall provide written documentation of any warranty coverage for the work performed. FACILITY CHECK-IN REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall be required to report to the Facilities Management Office, Bldg 70, Wing E or make arrangements with VAMC POC. They are to log in for services performed under this contract. This check in is mandatory. SMOKING POLICY SMOKIING IS NOT PERMITTED ANYWHERE ON THE VAMC CAMPUS by contractor personnel, nor by the VAMC Employees. A copy of hospital smoking policy will be supplied upon request. Violation of the VAMC Milwaukee smoking policy shall result in the worker being removed from worksite for duration of the contract execution. If your organization has the potential capacity to perform these contract services, please provide the following information: 1) Organization name, address, email address, Web site address if applicable, telephone number, and size and type of ownership for the organization; and 2) Tailored capability statements addressing the particulars of this effort and documentation supporting claims of organizational and staff capability. If significant subcontracting or teaming is anticipated in order to deliver technical capability, organizations should address the administrative and management structure of such arrangements. The government will evaluate market information to ascertain potential market capacity to provide services consistent in scope and scale with those described in this notice and otherwise anticipated. BASED ON THE RESPONSES TO THIS SOURCES SOUGHT NOTICE/MARKET RESEARCH, THIS REQUIREMENT MAY BE SET-ASIDE FOR SMALL BUSINESSES, SOLE SOURCED OR PROCURED THROUGH FULL AND OPEN COMPETITION. Telephone inquiries will not be accepted or acknowledged, and no feedback or evaluations will be provided to companies regarding their submissions. Submission Instructions: Interested parties who consider themselves qualified to perform the above-listed services are invited to submit a response to this Sources Sought Notice by 4:00 PM Central on Friday July 14, 2023. All responses under this Sources Sought Notice must be emailed to