The Central Federal Lands Highway Division (CFLHD) of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), in cooperation with Billings County and U.S. Forest Service (USFS), are proposing construction of ND FLAP 704(1) and 795(1) Magpie and Whitetail Crossings, to provide safe travel and allow consistent access across Magpie Creek (Magpie Road) and Whitetail Creek (Whitetail Road). The existing routes have informal low water crossings with negligible hardened surfacing which are in poor condition and are impassable during storm events.
The scope of this project will include the construction of structures across Magpie Creek and Whitetail Creek to allow the passage of vehicles. Work will also include roadway work for the stream crossing approaches as appropriate.
The Magpie Crossing will include the replacement of the existing low water crossing with a multi-span bridge structure over Magpie Creek. It will also include adjacent roadway reconstruction leading up to the bridge structure including gravel surfacing.
The Whitetail Crossing will include removal and replacement of the existing low water crossing to include an AOP precast reinforced box culvert structure including approach work; and roadway reconstruction including sight distance improvements and gravel surfacing. The crossing location will straighten the roadway through this section leading up to the Whitetail Picnic Area