Amendment 01: Correct Formatting of Sections B and C.
Sources Sought: Postage Mail Machine Lease Services
Sources Sought Number: 75H709-FP24S-002
This Sources Sought Notice is for informational and planning purposes only and shall not be construed as a solicitation, an obligation or commitment by the Indian Health Service.
This notice is intended strictly for market research to determine the availability of Indian Small Business Economic Enterprise (ISBEE) or Indian Economic Enterprises (IEE) sources pursuant to the Buy Indian Act (25 U.S.C. 47) that can provide Postage Machine lease services at the Fort Peck Service Unit, Poplar, Montana.
Your responses to the information requested will assist the Government in determining the appropriate acquisition method, including whether a set-aside is possible. The anticipated applicable North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this acquisition is 532420, Office Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing. Other relevant NAICS codes will be considered based on responses received.
A. Background/Purpose Objectives:
The Fort Peck Service Unit requires the lease of a United States Postal Service approved postage solution that is equal to the Pitney Bowes SendPro ® Mail Center 1000 with a 10 lb small platform scale capability. Include information on the mailing machine’s connection method to download postage from customer account and method of updating meter software and postal rates.
Deliverables: 60 Month Lease of Mailing Machine with Postage Meter and 10 lb weight scale.
Frequency, Date or Timeframe: Once, within 30 days of contract execution
Medium and Format: Destination door delivery of turnkey system for FPSU
Submit To: Fort Peck Service Unit, Poplar, Montana
B. Period of Performance:
60 months
C. Capability Statement/Information:
Interested parties are expected to review this notice to become familiar with the requirements of this project. Failure to do so will be at your firm’s own risk. The following information shall be included in the capability statement:
- A general overview of the respondent’s opinions about the difficulty and/or feasibility of the potential requirement, and any information regarding innovative ideas or concepts.
- Information in sufficient detail of the respondent’s (a) current capability and capacity to provide deliverable; (b) proof of license ownership or distribution; (c) any relatable experience and past performance; and (d) examples of prior completed Government contracts and other related information.
- The respondents’ UEI number, organization name, address, point of contact, and size and type of business pursuant to NAICS code: 532420 Office Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing or comparable NAICS.
- Any other information that may be helpful in developing or finalizing the requirements of the potential acquisition.
- The capability statement shall not exceed three (3) single-sided pages (including all attachments, resumes, charts, etc.) presented in single-space format using a 12-point font size minimum, in either Microsoft Word or Adobe Portable Document File (PDF) format, with 8-1/2 by 11 inch paper size, and 1 inch top, bottom, left and right margins.
- Product Literature shall be attached to capability statement and submitted in PDF format.
- All proprietary information should be marked as such. Statements should also include an indication of current certified small business status; this indication should be clearly marked on the first page of your capability statement (preferably placed under the eligible small business concern’s name and address). Responses will be reviewed only by IHS personnel and will be held in a confidential manner.
D. Closing Statement
Point of Contact: Prudence Yellow Owl, Contract Specialist at Your response must be emailed by the due date, and should include Sources Sought Number 75H709-FP24S-002 in the Subject Line. The due date for receipt of responses is January 04, 2024, 5:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time.
All responses must be received by the specified due date and time in order to be considered.
This notice is for information and planning purposes only and shall not be construed as a solicitation or as obligation on the part of IHS.
IHS does not intend to award a contract on the basis of responses nor otherwise pay for the preparation of any information submitted. As a result of this notice, IHS may issue a Request for Quote (RFQ).
THERE IS NO SOLICITATION AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. However, should such a requirement materialize, no basis for claims against IHS shall arise as a result of a response to this notice or IHS’s use of such information as either part of our evaluation process or in developing specifications for any subsequent requirement.
Disclaimer and Important Notes. This notice does not obligate the Government to award a contract or otherwise pay for the information provided in response. The Government reserves the right to use information provided by respondents for any purpose deemed necessary and legally appropriate. Any organization responding to this notice should ensure that its response is complete and sufficiently detailed to allow the Government to determine the organization’s qualifications to perform the work. Respondents are advised that the Government is under no obligation to acknowledge receipt of the information received or provide feedback to respondents with respect to any information submitted.
After a review of the responses received, a pre-solicitation synopsis and solicitation may be published in However, responses to this notice will not be considered adequate responses to a solicitation.
Confidentiality. No proprietary, classified, confidential, or sensitive information should be included in your response.