The Government is seeking a fully-serviced lease up to five (5) years with termination rights for approximately 4,000 Gross Square Feet and a minimum of 3,800 Net Square Feet of space within the Delineated Area set forth below.
Minimum requirements include:
- 24-hour unrestricted access to Leased space;
- Availability of all communications infrastructure for to include DSL, T1 or a satellite dish;
- Direct access to secondary exterior exit door from Lease space; common area exterior exit door if shared with other military services; or exterior exit door can, and will be installed prior to occupying the facility; and
- 24-hour lighted parking for three (3) Government vehicles and adequate parking for privately owned vehicles onsite or within a 4 block radius of the premises.
Delineated area:
The Government requests Space in Boise, ID in an area bounded as follows:
North: W State St
South: E Warmsprings Ave
East: S Cloverdale Rd
West: Ave W Victory Rd
Buildings that have frontage on the boundary streets are deemed to be within the Delineated Area.