SOURCES SOUGHT SYNOPSIS ONLY 1. The Department of Veterans Affairs, Network Contracting Office 1, is seeking sources for potential Crisis Stabilization Beds and Support Services in a community residential facility with a home-like environment for Veterans. The beds must be located in close geographic proximity (within 10 to 15 minute drive) to VACHS West Haven campus. 2. The intended period of performance of the contract will be for a base year and four one-year options. The area/location for the Crisis Stabilization Beds and services would be in the State of Connecticut. 3. The VA is interested in potential sources that can provide the appropriate level of Continuity of Care to the beneficiaries of the above mentioned VISN 1 Medical Station. Interested parties are encouraged to respond with the level of care they can provide as well as number of applicable beds for Veterans. 4. This is a source sought announcement ONLY and is NOT a request for proposals or quotes. A Response to this sources sought is not a request to be added to a prospective bidders list or to receive a copy of a solicitation. Information received as a result of this notice will be considered solely for the purpose of determining competition. 5. In response to this announcement, please provide the information below: Company Name;  Address; DUNS Number;  Contact Name: Phone No; Email; and Business Size Information - Select all that apply: Small Business;  Emerging Small Business; Small Disadvantaged Business Certified under Section 8(a) of the Small Business Act; HUBZone;  Woman Owned;  Certified Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Veteran Owned Small Business; Large Business;  and Effective Date/ Expiration Date. 6. This notice is neither a request for competitive quote/proposal or solicitation of offers.  This notice is to assist the VA in determining sources only; a solicitation is not available.  If a solicitation is issued it will be announced at a later date, and all interested parties must respond to that solicitation announcement separately from this response.  This notice does not represent a commitment by the Government to pay for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of information or any other costs incurred as a response to this announcement. Inquiries will only be accepted in writing via email to on or before 12 March 2024 at 11:00AM.