The Offutt Air Force Base (Offutt) Chapel provides spiritual fitness opportunities and care to Airmen, their families, and other authorized personnel via facilities including the SAC Memorial Chapel and Capehart Chapel. Among other services, the chapel offers religious education programs, religious youth programs and Catholic and Protestant worship services.
2.0. SCOPE
The purpose of this contract is to provide non-personal Chapel Support Services to the Requiring Activity, the Offutt Chapel. Required services include leading musical portions of Protestant Worship services, providing musical services for Roman Catholic Masses, providing Catholic and Protestant religious education coordination and providing Protestant youth ministry program coordination.
The Contracting Officer (CO) is the only person authorized to direct the contractor or take any actions that could change the contract or commit the Government in any way. The CO will appoint a Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) who will be the Requiring Activity’s point of contact. The COR will work with the contractor and CO, pursuant to the scope of the PWS, to meet mission requirements.