Amendment No. 0002 was posted to Contract Opportunities on 04/19/2024. Please refer to Amendment document.
Amendment No. 0001 was posted to Contract Opportunities on 04/17/2024. Please refer to Amendment document.
The Bonners Ferry Ranger District has a requirement for janitorial services within five Federally-controlled buildings. Three of the buildings will require year-round janitorial services, while two buildings will require services half of the year. The two buildings that require janitorial services part of the year will also require annual service in the Fall as defined in the Schedule.
The Bonners Ferry Ranger District is located at 6286 Main Street, Bonners Ferry, Idaho, 83805-8518. All buildings are located at the Bonners Ferry Ranger District. The Boneyard Bunkhouse is accessed via a separate, unpaved driveway, located south of the other buildings on the compound.
This procurement requires the use of Biobased products to the extent that such products are reasonably available, meet agency or relevant industry performance standards, and are reasonably priced. The products should first be acquired from the USDA designated products categories.