The Contractor shall provide all management, tools, equipment, supplies, and labor necessary to ensure that custodial services are performed at the Bozeman Forestry Sciences Laboratory. The Contractor shall provide a separate set of tools and equipment necessary to clean the restrooms and shower facilities which will not be used for all other cleaning referred to in this performance work statement. The Contractor shall perform the required custodial services of this contract between the hours of Monday – Friday 5:00 p.m to midnight and Saturday and Sunday between 6:00 a.m. and midnight in accordance with the terms of this Performance Work Statement (PWS). The tasks and frequencies of the work are listed in the Task and Frequency list. Please see all attachments for full solicitation details.
AME 0001 is to update Attachment 2 - Task Frequency List to take out exterior window cleaning.
AME 0002 is to update the description in section (vi) of the solicitation and also to include clause 52.223-2