The USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison WI intends to issue a firm fixed price, award for semi annual roof inspection. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, transportation and supervision to inspect roofs . The award will be issued as base contract vith 4 option years. The procurement is being conducted under FAR 13.106-l(b)(l)(i) - Simplified acquisitions. The anticipated award date is 8/1/2024. The Northern American Classification Code (NAICS) for this requirement is 238160 and $19.0 million. Oral communications are not acceptable in response to this notification. Submit offer by mail to so that it is delivered into this inbox by the due date and time in Block 6 of the SF-1449. Emails should contain 3 separate attachments (Technical Proposal, Price Proposal, and Representations and Certifications) in Microsoft Word, Excel, or Adobe PDF format. Be aware that large attachments may increase the time required to deliver an email. It is the offerors responsibility to confirm receipt of the offer from Susan Davis.
As of 6/14/2024, modification and updated attachments were added to correct inspector certifications.