An Interagency Agreement between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Aviation Administration Logistics Center (FAALC) authorizes and funds the FAALC to provide the DHS Customs and Border Protection Agency (CBP) with supply chain management support, including the award and administration of supplier contracts, as required for U.S. Border Security Systems and necessary to accomplish the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency’s mission. Consequently, FAA will develop, award, and administer a contractual agreement on behalf of CBP to establish a maintenance and sustainability capability that supports this effort. CBP is also responsible for apprehending individuals attempting to enter the U.S. illegally, stemming the flow of drugs and other contraband. The Cross Border Tunnel Threat (CBTT) Program to detect cross-border tunnels and subterranean activity, support law enforcement actions, and remediate tunnel threats. This requires a unique set of tools and technology used to mitigate this extreme issue.
This announcement serves as a market survey for the subject requirement. The United States Border Patrol (USBP) requires the purchase of two (2) temporary passive seismic monitoring systems and associated kits to be used for geotechnical sampling and surveying projects. The contractor shall provide, procure, and ship the equipment, materials, and supplies. The required Passive Seismic Monitoring equipment specifications are contained in Section 3.0 of the SOW attached within this Market Survey along with all relevant equipment warranties and system design documentation.
At this time, Crosstek, Inc (UEI: C93PBZX5EN34; CAGE: 6LEW7) is believed by the FAA to be the only available source due to their status as OEM.
Although no other sources are currently known by the FAA to exist, please provide a response to this announcement if your entity is in fact fully capable and interested in providing the items and training required for this effort.
If no responses are received asserting a competitive environment among fully capable vendors that can be confirmed by the US Government, the FAA intends to pursue fulfilment of this requirement with the aforementioned only known source using agency single source procurement procedures.
This announcement is being posted for market research purposes in compliance with Acquisition Management Systems (AMS) (c) if no other available sources can be confirmed to exist. The AMS is the FAA's agency wide governing acquisition authority in place of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). You can learn more about the FAA's acquisition processes and procedures at the following website: