Amendment 0001:
This amendment serves to add the following information to Section C.3 SITE INFORMATION AND LIMITATIONS, located on page ten of the solicitation. This new paragraph will follow paragraph 5 and will be labeled as 6.:
6. The access road is a high clearance road accessible by ATV or UTV. The road is often saturated from the overflow from the water tank. All ruts caused or exacerbated by vehicular access shall be repaired and drainage shall be directed off the road. Hand shoveling ruts and creating waterbars would be acceptable.
All other information, terms and conditions remain the same. The offer due date and time will remain the same.
This project includes replacement of two existing float valves in the water storage tank for
the Bridgeport Forest Service compound. This also includes calibration and the electrical
work needed to operate the well successfully on a summer system and winter system.
Disinfecting the tank will also be included in this project.
The existing water tank is a 10,000 gallon stainless steel tank with 2 manholes. There are
2 float valves in a single valve box between the manholes. One valve controls a higher
water level during the summer when more people live at the compound. And the other
controls a lower water level in winter so the lower use does not result in stagnant water in
the tank. The existing float valves have become disconnected and/ or twisted. A new radio
communication system was installed in 2023 relaying water level signals to the well
controls mounted on a house at the compound.
Currently, the float valves do not operate correctly, and the well must be manually turned
on and off to fill the water tank. It has been verified that the new radio controls do send a
signal to the well but the signal from the floats to the radio controls is not there. This
project is to install two float controls (summer/ winter) one in the manhole without the
ladder and one in the existing valve box penetration. This layout could be changed with
a proposal that would eliminate the chance the two floats would become tangled. The
new float valves need to be wired so that they communicate with the new radio controls
and successfully control the operation of the well. The old float valves will be removed
and the entry into the water tank shall remain water and airtight. The design of this
installation would be proposed by the contractor and approved by the CO. The water
tank shall be cleaned, scrubbed, and disinfected after work is completed.