The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is conducting a Market Survey to identify capable sources. Responses to this market survey will be used to determine if there is adequate competition to set this requirement aside for Small Businesses. This survey is being conducted in accordance with FAA Acquisition Management System (AMS) Section This survey will be utilized for acquisition planning.
NOTICE: The FAA has been exempted from several Federal laws and regulations as part of the 1996 DOT Appropriations Act, signed into law by President Clinton on November 15, 1995. Some of the exemptions include the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994, the Small Business Act, the Competition in Contracting Act, and the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). The FAA’s Acquisition Management System (AMS), which became effective on April 1, 1996, is utilized in place of the FAR. Contractors may obtain the full text versions of provisions or clauses at:
DESCRIPTION OF REQUIERMENT: The contractor must furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and supervision necessary for the mitigation of known water leaks at the Charleston Air Traffic Control Tower (CHS-ATCT) Charleston, South Carolina.
LOCATION: Charleston International Airport, Air Traffic Control Tower (CHS ATCT), 5775 S Aviation Avenue, Charleston, SC 29406
BACKGROUND: CHS ATCT has experienced numerous building water leaks during heavy rain events. The leaks have increased in numbers and severity. This problem is beginning to threaten operational equipment.
SUMMARY OF WORK: The contractor must furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and supervision to complete the following tasks:
a) Seal all interior seismic bolt connections. (636 each).
b) Remove the existing catwalk metal panels, clean, apply new sealant and reinstall (24 panels).
c) For the remaining catwalk metal clad seams, replace all existing caulking with new sealant. (24 panel areas).
d) Furnish and install new louvers at catwalk level (2 each).
e) Furnish and install new louver at sub-junction level (1 each).
f) On the tower 2nd level, replace the roof counterflashing associated with the elevator shaft leg. New flashing assembly and material must be compatible with the existing Kemper Roof System.
g) Create new drains between the seismic steel gusset plates and the concrete of the ATCT control tower legs. As a minimum, the contractor must create a one-inch gap in the existing caulk from the underside seal for each plate (73 plates)
The monetary magnitude of this project is: less than $50,000.00.
Performance Period is: 30 calendar days from Notice to Proceed.
This is not a request for quote or proposal. Currently, the Federal Aviation Administration is not seeking or accepting proposals. The nature of the competition has not been determined. The failure to obtain adequate responses from responsible small businesses may result in the determination to conduct this procurement action under full and open competition.
You must reference the Notice Number, SO-ES-24-01522, in all correspondences to ensure prompt and proper processing. Emails with attachments that do not reference the Notice number in the subject line or the body of the message, will be disregarded to prevent the spread of computer viruses.
If you are interested in providing an offer, please submit the following to no later than the closing date of this notice:
- Company Capability Statement.
- Company Unique Entity Identifier (UEI)
- Completed Past Performance / Experience Information (attached).