The work will involve the re-surfacing of existing asphalt pavement area for the boat ramp parking lot at Trace Branch Recreation Area. The contractor?s work will include the removal of the existing asphalt surface course by milling, placing new asphalt surface over existing base course asphalt, striping/marking pavement areas, furnishing and installing new pre-cast wheels stops and ADA signage, and performing site improvements to boat ramp parking lot by raising/building up the grade and installing a concrete paved ditch to promote positive drainage and prevent the ponding of surface water. The asphalt mixture, construction, and placement are to meet the requirements of Kentucky Department of Highways Standard Specification for Road and Bridge Construction (KYDOH SSRBC), current edition, unless otherwise specified in this scope of work. The contractor shall furnish all personnel, materials, supplies, tools, parts, equipment, transportation, labor, supervision, communication, and quality control to complete the work listed below, at the areas specified at the Trace Branch Recreation Area at Buckhorn Lake, located in Leslie County, Kentucky.