OLI002 Road Repair, Oliktok, AlaskaThis project is for the construction of an approximate 1.3 mile, 24-foot-wide gravelroad running south from the Oliktok Long Range Radar Site (LRRS), avoiding as many standing water ponds aspossible, to the existing Conoco Phillips owned DS-3Q and a new electrical utility line to provide permanent powerto the facility. Road construction will include two 32-foot-wide turnouts, a detour road in the vicinity of the airfieldto provide alternative access to the facility, and an additional gravel pad will be built to provide a foundation andaccess for the electrical equipment platform. The new electrical utility line will be installed parallel with the newaccess road and consist of a 35kV Cairo (465.4kcmil) aerial Aluminum-Alloy Conductor (AAAC) and transition todirect buried line in the vicinity of the airfield. The existing 225kVA 4.2kV delta ? 208/120V wye pad-mountedtransformer (TR-1) will be replaced with a new 500kVA 34.5kV delta ? 208/120V wye transformer (TR-2)mounted on a structural steel elevated platform supported by 12? diameter by 38-foot-long ad-freeze piles. Roadlighting and telecommunication work is not included within the scope of this project.