For repairs to the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service (FS) floating dock facility located within Ketchikan Misty Fjords Ranger District (KMRD) on Naha Bay which is a remote location roughly 15 miles north of Ketchikan Alaska.
The purpose of this project is to repair various elements of the three separate Remote Dock Facilities within the Ketchikan-Misty Ranger District (KMRD). The Remote Docks, Naha Bay Remote Dock, Margaret Bay Remote Dock, and Fire Cove Remote Dock include but not limited to piles, abutment, gangway, mooring hardware, finger dock, and safety upgrades. The work includes but is not limited to piling repair, addressing dock floatation, installation of a passive cathodic protection system, replacing dock transition plate, installing non-slip surfaces, replacing various dock components/hardware, installing composite curb in place of deteriorated timber curb, safety ladder installation and improving the fender system. Unless stated otherwise, all materials identified for replacement or repair, shall be in kind.
Solictation extended to 13 Sep 2024. All questions are due no later than 06 Sep 2024 at 1000 Pacific.