MODIFICATION TO SOURCES SOUGHT 36C24124Q0796 CLOSED 08/15/24 SOURCES SOUGHT 36C241Q0796 CLOSED AT 08/15/24 AT 11:00 AM. Market research revealed that domestic equivalents for a Reach-In, Dual Temperature, One-Section, Refrigerator/Freezer Combo at 29.25 W and 11 CU FT., are limited, but available in the Open Market, at a higher price than the comparable Everest Refrigeration ESRFH2, which is the foreign-manufactured equivalent. The Everest ESRFH2 was the unit originally requested. However, it was essential to research the open market to determine the availability of domestically manufactured brand equivalents. Market research pricing revealed that domestically manufactured Reach-In, Dual Temperature, One-Section, Refrigerator/Freezer Combos at 29.25 W and 11 CU FT, exceed general pricing estimates for the Everest ESRFH2 by up to 250%. Due to Buy American requirements, budget constraints, time constraints, and the need to satisfy a Joint Commission requirement, Market Research is being expanded and re-focused to determine the availability of OEM-authorized distributors, who hold GSA (General Services Administration) FSS (Federal Supply Schedule) Schedules containing the Everest ESRSH2, and who qualify for the set-aside requirement. A subsequent Sources Sought will be posted to continue market research to determine distribution availability for the FSS Market.