This product consists of the contractor providing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and performing all work necessary for the Repair of Purple Heart Drive Pavement include all mobilization, safety, labor, materials, and equipment, clean up, disposal and demobilization by order of priority as detailed below:
The Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and performing all work necessary for the Repair of Purple Heart Drive Pavement include all mobilization, safety, labor, materials, and equipment, clean up, disposal and demobilization by order of priority.
Total period of performance (POP) for this project is 104 days (negotiable prior to award) from the date of the Notice to Proceed (NTP). The POP shall be agreed upon prior to contract award.
1.3 LIMITATIONS: All work shall be coordinated with Base Civil Engineering and Building Manager adjacent to the street, as necessary.
The primary location of this project is base-wide on Dover Air Force Base located in Kent County the city of Dover Delaware.
a. Mill 25,477 SY-IN of roadway for Sections 40 and 70 indicated on the attached sketch.
b. Section 70 marked “Mill & Overlay” shall be milled to a depth of 2 inches and Section 40 marked “Reconstruct” shall be milled to remove the complete asphalt surface (Depth= 2.5 inches). In addition, 2 major cutbacks shall be milled to a depth of 1.5 inches (Cutback 1 at Building 270 in Section 70 = 47’X32; Cutback 2 at Fire Station in Section 40 = 140X100).
c. Section 40 pavement section is currently inadequate. Please see attached sketch showing the existing pavement section and the proposed pavement section. To facilitate the new pavement section, the contractor shall taper (by removing portions of the underlying GABC base course) the GABC base course to allow for a 5-inch reveal on the gutter pan concrete. The GABC base course shall be leveled to provide a consistent slope from the bottom of the gutter pan reveal to the roadway center crown.
d. Immediately following GABC removal, the contractor shall perform compaction tests over the entire 3 Section 40 surface to determine areas that do not meet the minimum 95% proctor compaction requirement. Areas not meeting specifications shall have the GABC removed, subgrade compacted to 95%, GABC replaced and tested in NGT 6-inch lifts to match existing GABC depth.
The entire shall base course shall be recompacted to achieve 95% overall compaction.
e. Sawcut all transverse butt joints and adjacent pavement-to-remain areas to a depth of 2 inches.
f. Pave base course of Section 40 with 3-inches PG 76-22 DelDOT “B Mix” asphalt.
g. Pave wearing course of Section 40 and Section 70 with 2-inches PG 76-22 DelDOT “C Mix” asphalt.
h. Stripe 2250 LF of 4-inch-wide line striping. Repaint all crosswalk and hold line markings.