1. NOTICE: This is not a solicitation but rather a sources sought synopsis to determine potential sources for information and planning purposes only.
1.1 The purpose of this sources sought synopsis is to conduct market research to determine if responsible sources exist, to assist in determining if this effort can be competitive and/or a total Small Business Set-Aside. The proposed North American Industry Classification Systems (NAICS) Code is 541330 which has a corresponding Size standard of $47M. The Government will use this information to determine the best acquisition strategy for this procurement. The Government is interested in all small businesses to include 8(a), Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned, Hubzone, and Women-Owned small business concerns. The government requests that interested parties respond to this notice if applicable and identify your small business status to the identified NAICS code. Additionally, please provide any anticipated teaming arrangements, along with a description of similar services offered to the Government and to commercial customers for the past three years. Any responses involving teaming agreements should delineate between the work that will be accomplished by the prime and the work accomplished by the teaming partners.
2. The Air Force is seeking capability for reentry system/reentry vehicle (RS/RV) engineering support in the development of the Sentinel (GBSD) weapon system. This includes reentry systems, reentry vehicles, penetration aids, and support equipment. Activities include core engineering support, systems engineering support, program management support, range support, test and assessment support.
2.1 The reentry vehicle work encompasses five major components: the reentry system (RS), deployment module (DM), shroud assembly, reentry vehicle (RV), to include both current and modernized fuzes, and RS/RV support equipment. This work includes failure analysis, refurbishment, finite element analysis, modeling and simulation development and analysis, modification, test and developmental engineering, and production engineering. These activities require a suite of peculiar support and test equipment associated with the fuzes, fuze subcomponents, and special fixtures that are not commercially available.
2.1.1 This sources sought synopsis constitutes a call to industry to uncover unknown capabilities. Responses to this sources sought synopsis must clearly demonstrate that the contractor has: The technical knowledge and capability to perform failure analysis, finite element analysis, modeling and simulation development and analysis, modification, refurbishment, test and developmental engineering, and production engineering; The required equipment needed to meet the aforementioned capabilities; The knowledge to operate, troubleshoot and maintain the equipment.
2.1.2 If the contractor does not currently have the equipment, demonstrate: How it will gain access to the necessary equipment; How long it would take to get the equipment to an operational and qualified level of capability; How long it would take to train and qualify personnel to operate, troubleshoot and maintain the equipment.
3. Firms responding to this announcement should include company name, cage code, point of contact, address and indicate small business status. Potential offerors should submit a Statement of Capability (SOC) that addresses the offeror’s ability to provide the above requested services. SOCs may be submitted to Shila Weese at shila.weese@us.af.mil. Responses must be received no later than close of business (COB) 3:00pm (MST) 21 Oct, 2024. Identify your response with the corresponding Program Title: Sources Sought: RSRV SSC Follow-on Support.