The purpose of this contract is to provide Air Mobility Command (AMC) and the AMC Commander (AMC/CC) with expert-level and enduring advisory services. This contract shall endure the changes in leadership across the commands and continue to focus on the future environment while staying in lock step with Department of Defense (DOD) requirements. The contractor shall supply industry leading expertise from the commercial aviation community, DOD, and AMC as well as support from across the Security-Industry-Technology-Economy (SITE) areas. The contractor shall conduct assessments, analysis, and make recommendations in the development of the long-term strategic outlook needed to ensure the viability and effective operation of DOD Commercial Airlift program, including the Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF) through the year 2035. This includes all aspects of air mobility operations related to DOD commercial aviation, for example, the CRAF program, space operations in support of the NDS objectives, the Joint Operating Environment (JOE), the AMC Vision, and DOD policy. The contractor shall also provide advice to the AMC/CC on geopolitical, economic, and industry developments on a recurring basis. Further, the contractor shall provide program support to AMC and US Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) by delivering on-site support and assistance in the implementation of strategic recommendations and offer continual program and process improvements. The results will ultimately align the program with the NDS, JOE, and AMC/CC priorities and vision. This contract will ensure continuity across changes in operating environment, leadership, and market fluctuations by aligning itself with DOD requirements and DOD and commercial aviation policy.