SOURCES SOUGHT SYNOPSIS The Department of Veterans Affairs is issuing a sources sought synopsis as a means of conducting market research to identify parties having an interest in and the resources to support a requirement for Dialysis Reverse Osmosis Maintenance, Testing and Repair Services for the Jesse Brown VA Medical Center, Chicago, IL. The result of this market research will contribute to determining the method of procurement. The applicable North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code assigned to this procurement is 238220 Plumbing, Heating and Air-Conditioning Contractors. THERE IS NO SOLICITATION AT THIS TIME. This request for capability information does not constitute a request for proposals; submission of any information in response to this market survey is purely voluntary; the Government assumes no financial responsibility for any costs incurred. REQUIREMENTS: Maintenance and testing services including but not limited to regular preventative maintenance of the CWP Dialysis ROs (3) and portable RO machines (14); routine water quality laboratory testing including LAL endotoxin, AAMI metal, and bacterial testing, and weekly chemical disinfection of CWP RO systems. Services to occur on routine basis (annually, Semi-annually, quarterly, monthly, weekly, etc.) as per manufacturer guidelines/recommendations/specifications. Recommended maintenance must be followed per the Millenium HX RO System Operation and Maintenance Manual. If your organization has the potential capacity to perform these contract services, please provide the following information: 1) Organization name, address, email address, Web site address if applicable, telephone number, and size and type of ownership for the organization; and 2) Tailored capability statements addressing the particulars of this effort and documentation supporting claims of organizational and staff capability. If significant subcontracting or teaming is anticipated in order to deliver technical capability, organizations should address the administrative and management structure of such arrangements. The Government will evaluate market information to ascertain potential market capacity to provide services consistent in scope and scale with those described in this notice and otherwise anticipated. BASED ON THE RESPONSES TO THIS SOURCES SOUGHT NOTICE/MARKET RESEARCH, THIS REQUIREMENT MAY BE SET-ASIDE FOR SMALL BUSINESSES, SOLE SOURCED OR PROCURED THROUGH FULL AND OPEN COMPETITION. Telephone inquiries will not be accepted or acknowledged, and no feedback or evaluations will be provided to companies regarding their submissions. Submission Instructions: Interested parties who consider themselves qualified to perform the above-listed services are invited to submit a response to this Sources Sought Notice by 3:00 PM Local (Central) Time on Monday, October 28, 2024. All responses under this Sources Sought Notice must be emailed to SEE ATTACHED STATEMENT OF WORK