The Phoenix Indian Medical Center (PIMC) is in need of a toll-free telephone-based Nurse Triage System for eligible Native Americans and Alaskan Natives (beneficiaries), Monday through Sunday 24 hours per day, seven (7) days per week to include all federally recognized holidays. The contractor shall be notified within a minimum of 30 days by the IHS Point of contact of any planned health center closures during normal business hours. All PIMC active user beneficiaries in the PIMC area will have access to the contractor’s service. PIMC estimates approximately 100 calls per month. The contractor shall provide personnel, labor, materials, equipment, facility and services for providing a Nurse Triage System (NTS)- nurse advice telephone line. The contractor shall provide a clinical assessment and disposition to an appropriate level of care for all patients who utilize the nurse triage system.
This is not a staffing position.
It is requested that all parties capable and interested in meeting the government's need provide the following documents:
- IEE Representation Form
- Capabilities Statement
Please ensure that your capabilities statement clearly shows your ability to provide a Toll Free Nurse Triage System with support. It is also requested that the IEE Representation Form in this notice be the form utilized to express interest. Updates have been made to the form and previous versions do not contain the required information.
The post is intended to identify Native American and Alaska Native owned firms with capability and interest, however all parties are invited to express interest and capability. All respondents are required to include the requested documents.