Rehabilitation and/or Replacement of Hydroelectric Generating Units and Pumping Units, Systems and Components - Bureau of Reclamation Wide Powertrain IDIQ
Type: Sources Sought
1. Notice
This is not a solicitation but rather a Sources Sought to determine potential sources for information and planning purposes only.
The purpose of this Sources Sought is to conduct market research to determine responsible sources and to assess the ability of small businesses to be able to provide the services anticipated under this IDIQ. The proposed North American Industry Classification Systems (NAICS) Code is 237990, Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction, which has a corresponding size standard of $45M. The Government will use this information to determine the best acquisition strategy for this procurement. The Government is interested in all small businesses to include 8(a), Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned, HUBzone, and Women-Owned small business concerns. The Government requests that interested parties respond to this notice and identify your small business status to the identified NAICS code. Additionally, please provide any anticipated teaming arrangements and delineate between the work that will be accomplished by the prime and the work accomplished by the teaming partners.
2. Description
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has identified a requirement for the repair or replacement of generators/hydraulic turbines and large motors/pumps following failures of generation or pumping equipment. Reclamation is organized into five regions across 17 states west of the Mississippi River; California-Great Basin (CGB), Missouri Basin (MB), Lower Colorado Basin (LCB), Upper Colorado Basin (UCB), and Columbia-Pacific Northwest (CPN) that may issue task orders under this IDIQ. Reclamation's hydropower infrastructure ranges from unit capacity of 350 Kilowatts to 805 Megawatts and pumps up to 50 Megawatts. Approximately 50-percent of the units fall between 1-50 Megawatts. Overall, Reclamation has a total of 176 hydro units (turbines and pump-turbines) and 6 large pumps rated at or above 50MW.
This contract will provide expedited response capability for non-routine maintenance and corrective maintenance. This contract may also be used to perform non-routine deferred maintenance and assessments at Reclamation hydroelectric and irrigation facilities. Projects that have design changes or modifications, such as rehabilitations and overhauls due to end of design life or required corrective action, can be completed through this contract once they have completed the proper design process. This contract is not meant as a substitute for preventative maintenance.
Potential equipment and systems which may be included in the scope of work includes, but is not limited to, turbines, generators, pumps, motors, and auxiliary systems. The scope of work may include, but is not limited to, assessments, inspections, analysis, design, documentation, as-found and as-built drawings, unit disassembly and reassembly, onsite machining, required equipment/tooling for work, manufacturing and fabrication of new components, refurbishment and rehabilitation of existing components, testing, and commissioning. The scope of work may require both on-site and off-site tasks. Some services may require response and completion within 30 days of task order award. Contract performance may require execution of multiple and simultaneous task order requirements at various locations.
The period of performance for this IDIQ is expected to be five years from the date of award and is anticipated to be a multiple award IDIQ with a maximum value of $49 million.
See attached Scope of Work for additional information.
3. Requested Responses
Please provide the following information in response to the Sources Sought:
1. A summary of your company including name, address, point of contact with email address and phone number, UEI number, and business size including any small business classifications.
2. A summary of your company's qualifications and experience similar to the effort described in this Sources Sought and attached Scope of Work, along with a brief description of the power generation repair work.
3. Identify what locations of the Scope of Work your company can provide services for and what services can be provided.
4. Bonding capability.
5. Capability of providing hazardous material abatement.
6. Availability of American made parts for the Scope of Work.
7. Any additional questions or comments vendor has about the project or on the Scope of Work.
Please provide the responses to the questions above to Brandi Clark at by 10AM Mountain Time on November 7, 2024.
4. Response Procedures
Contractors responding to this posting are advised their response does not guarantee awards in future solicitations or contracts. This is not a Request for Proposal or Invitation for Bid, nor is it to be construed as a commitment by the Bureau of Reclamation. Submission of any information in response to this Sources Sought is purely voluntary; the Government assumes no financial responsibility for any costs incurred associated with preparation or response to this posting.