The Government is issuing this Request for Information to determine a competitive basis for the procurement described. This is not a solicitation. No reimbursement will be made for any costs associated with providing information in response to this survey.
This survey is for market research purposes only. Only contractors capable of performing this type of work should respond to this Request for Information.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Nashville District (LRN), anticipates a requirement for Chickamauga Lock Replacement, Approach Walls and Decommissioning procurement. The estimated magnitude of this project is between $250,000,000 and $500,000,000. The anticipated construction contract will consist of a base and three (3) options.
The scope of this requirement includes the construction of new downstream approach walls and final commissioning of the new 110 feet wide by 600 feet long navigation lock that is currently under construction by others; as well as the decommissioning of the existing 60 feet wide by 360 feet long navigation lock. The project area is located on the Tennessee River in Chattanooga, TN.
The major features of this requirement includes construction of river and middle approach walls downstream from the lock, connecting the already constructed upstream approach walls to the lock chamber constructed in the lock chamber contract, decommissioning the existing lock, the wet commissioning of the lock chamber constructed in the lock chamber contract, and site restoration activities at the project site. Downstream lock approach walls will be constructed from pre-cast concrete beams that were fabricated in 2012 and are currently stored at another Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) facility until ready to be installed at the project. The downstream approach walls will extend under and through the Norfolk Southern Railway Bridge. Two (2) new 30-foot diameter mooring cells will be built downstream of the new lock. Once the existing lock is closed, a portion of the lock chamber and the associated wall culverts will be plugged with concrete. A concrete thrust block will be installed landward of the existing lock chamber to resist concrete expansion in the dam, and the remaining lock chamber area will be filled with stone. Miscellaneous equipment and buildings will be removed. No cofferdams will be required for decommissioning the existing lock, but installation of needle dams (similar to a cofferdam, but more temporary) may be required for dewatering of the chamber.
To accomplish these major features, the scope will include, but not limited to, the following items: over water drilling and concrete placements, land-based drilling, retaining wall construction, tremie concrete placements, mass concrete placements, structural concrete placements, placement of reinforcing steel, dewatering of excavated areas, excavation and on-site placement of demolition material/excavated rock and soil, environmental controls related to construction operations, electrical power and control systems, mechanical systems, and new lock commissioning and testing.
*Please note that this description is subject to change.
The estimated performance period for this requirement is 66 months.
The anticipated North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code is 237990, Other Heavy and Civil Engineering, Construction with a size standard of $45.0 million.
USACE LRN will be conducting one-on-one (1-on-1) sessions with Industry on this requirement. If interested in scheduling a one-on-one session, please contact Connor Struckmeyer at and Stacy Wiggins at by October 31, 2024, 2:00 Central Time. Include in the title "Schedule 1-on-1 Meeting - Chickamauga Lock Replacement Approach Walls and Decommissioning” as the subject line in email communications.
U.S. Citizens: To register for a 1-on-1 Meeting, U.S. Citizens must fill out a U.S. Citizen Security Access Form and submit to the LRN Point-of-Contacts (POC) listed above.
Foreign Nationals (FNs): To register for a 1-on-1 Meeting, Foreign Nationals (FNs) shall submit a completed FN Security Form and legible color copies of two (2) of the following documents: Passport (unexpired or expired), Certificate of U.S. Citizenship (INS Form N-560 04 N-561), Certificate of Naturalization (INS Form N 550 or N-570), unexpired foreign Passport with I-551 stamp or attached INS Form I-94 indicating unexpired employment authorization, an Alien Registration Receipt Card with photo (INS Form I-151 or I-551), unexpired Temporary Resident Card (INS Form I-688), unexpired Employment Authorization Card (INS Form I-688A), unexpired Reentry Permit (INS Form I-327), unexpired Refugee Travel Document (INS- Form I571), or unexpired Employment Authorization Documentation issued by the INS which contains a photograph (INS Form I-688B) to the LRN POC.
Both the U.S. Citizen Security Access Form and the FN Security Form are provided on with this notice.
The Government is issuing this notice to determine a competitive basis. This is not a solicitation and the items listed herein are subject to change or eliminated from the requirement. This survey is for market research purposes only. Only prospective contractors capable of performing this type of work should respond to this Request for Information.
Your response to this survey is requested by 2:00 PM Central Time, November 11, 2024. Please send by email to Connor Struckmeyer at and Stacy Wiggins at Include in the title "Sources Sought- Chickamauga Lock Replacement Approach Walls and Decommissioning” as the subject line in email communications. All submitted responses must be in either Microsoft Word or Adobe pdf format.
1. Name of your firm:
2. CAGE:
3. Point of Contact, Phone number and EMAIL address:
4. Please provide responses to the following:
a) List three (3) projects completed or substantially complete (75% or more) within fifteen (15) years of the date of this notice that demonstrates experience, as a prime contractor or subcontractor, for the construction of new approach walls for a navigation lock (or similar marine-based construction). At least one (1) of the past performance projects shall have a value of at least $50,000,000.
(i) Project Name:
Contract Number (if applicable):
Year Completed:
Was the project completed on time?
Prime Contractor or Sub-Contractor:
Type and percentage of work self-performed (based on contract value):
Dollar Amount:
General Description of project:
Number of craft trades present on the project:
Was a Project Labor Agreement (PLA) used?
Were there any challenges experienced during the project?
(ii) Project Name:
Contract Number (if applicable):
Year Completed:
Was the project completed on time?
Prime Contractor or Sub-Contractor:
Type and percentage of work self-performed (based on contract value):
Dollar Amount:
General Description of project:
Number of craft trades present on the project:
Was a Project Labor Agreement (PLA) used?
Were there any challenges experienced during the project?
(iii) Project Name:
Contract Number (if applicable):
Year Completed:
Was the project completed on time?
Prime Contractor or Sub-Contractor:
Type and percentage of work self-performed (based on contract value):
Dollar Amount:
General Description of project:
Number of craft trades present on the project:
Was a Project Labor Agreement (PLA) used?
Were there any challenges experienced during the project?
5. Are you a Small Business classified under the above NAICS code? If so, do you fall into a sub-category (e.g. HubZone, 8(a), SDVOSB, WOSB, etc.)?
6. For this requirement, what percentage of this work would you subcontract (reference FAR 52.219-14, Limitations on Subcontracting?
7. What type of work requirements will you subcontract out to small businesses?
8. Do you plan to subcontract to only small businesses?
9. If the answer to question 8 is “yes”, are these small businesses with a sub-category (e.g. e.g. HubZone, 8(a), SDVOSB, WOSB, etc.)
10. What is your bonding capacity per contract?
11. What is your aggregate bonding capacity per contract?
12. If this requirement is advertised, do you anticipate submitting a proposal?
13. Have you previously commissioned a lock, port facility, or hydropower plant? Do you recommend the use of a commissioning agent throughout the process?
14. Would your firm be interested in scheduling a one-on-one meeting with USACE LRN?
15. USACE LRN is soliciting comments from the construction community addressing the use of a Project Labor Agreement (PLA). Please complete the PLA questionnaire listed at the end of this survey.
16. Please provide any additional information you feel is necessary:
PLA Questionnaire
A PLA is defined as a pre-hire collective bargaining agreement with one or more labor organizations that establishes the terms and conditions of employment for a specific construction project and is an agreement described in 29 U.S.C. § 158(f) and further explained in FAR Subpart 22.5, Use of PLAs for Federal Construction Projects.
Please provide responses to the following questions.
1. Do you have knowledge that a PLA has been used in the local area on projects of this kind? If so, please provide supporting documentation.
2. Are you aware of skilled labor shortages in the area for those crafts that will be needed to complete the referenced project? If so, please elaborate and provide supporting documentation where possible.
3. Are you aware of time sensitive issues/scheduling requirements that would affect the rate at which the referenced project should be completed? If so, please elaborate and provide supporting documentation where possible.
4. Identify specific reasons why or how you believe a PLA would advance the Federal Governments interest in achieving economy and efficiency in federal procurement.
5. Identify specific reasons why you do not believe a PLA would advance the Federal Governments interest in achieving economy and efficiency in federal procurement.
6. Identify any additional information you believe should be considered on the use of a PLA on the referenced project.
7. Identify any additional information you believe should be considered on the non-use of a PLA on the referenced project.