MARKET SURVEY CAPABILITY ASSESSMENT FOR training on Boeing original equipment manufacturer (OEM) 747-8 Initial Pilot Qualification Training and B747-400 to B747-8 FAA Differences Courses.
The purpose of this survey is to identify sources and to solicit statements of interest and capabilities from all businesses that are interested in and capable of providing the flight training courses for Boeing OEM 747-8 Initial Pilot Qualification Training and B747-400 to B747-8 FAA Differences Courses.
The contractor shall provide commercial off the shelf (COTS) Training to the USAF Aircraft Certification Pilot for flight training using the Boeing OEM approved/sanctioned 747-8 Initial Pilot Qualification Training and Boeing OEM approved/sanctioned B747-400 to B747-8 FAA Differences Course.
In order to make the determination, the USAF requires the following from interested vendors:
1. Capability Statement – This document should identify:
• Type of training provided by your firm for the Boeing 747-8
• SAM Unique Entity ID (UIE) and type of training provided by previous contracts (provide
detailed information and past performance)
• Number of years in business
2. Geographic area where training will be provided;
3. Expected approach – Respondents must provide their strategy for accomplishing this work.
The principle North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this effort is 611512 Flight Training, with a size standard of $34 million.
The responses to this market survey will be used for informational purposes only. This is not a Screening Information Request or Request for Proposals of any kind nor is the USAF seeking or accepting unsolicited proposals. The USAF will not pay for any information received or costs incurred in preparing the response to the market survey. Therefore, any cost associated with the market survey submission is solely at the interested vendor’s expense.
At this time the nature of the competition has not been determined. The USAF may decide to do a full and open competition or set aside all or part of the procurement for small businesses or eligible socially and economically disadvantaged business that are certified by the SBA for participation in the SBA’s 8(a) Program.
The purpose of this market survey is to solicit statement of interest and capabilities for small businesses, service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses, 8(a) certified firms, and all other business types and sized, capable of providing specified Course Instruction.
This market survey is also being conducted in order to obtain the information necessary to determine whether adequate competition exists to set-aside the competition among small businesses, service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses or 8(a) certified firms.
If applicable, interested firms which are SBA 8(a) certified are required to submit a copy of the SBA 8(a) certification letter.
All responses to this market survey must be received by 1500 EST, 15 NOV 2024. All submittals shall be limited to 5 pages and should be submitted by email to the USAF contracting office POC: Ms. Rachel Maher at