The combined synopsis and solicitation has been amended to include the following:
1. Closing Date: Changes from 16 DEC 2024 to 18 DEC 2024 (11.59 PM Alaska).
2. Resonse Time for Unscheduled Service: Changes from 2 Hours to 12 Hours Response Time.
12 DEC2024 RFI Questions and Answers:
Location 1 (LSA Spartan):
Snow to be removed around parked trailers and vehicles? If not how close will contractor be required to move snow from trailers and vehicles? Answer: Equipment and materials will not be moved or cleared from the area prior to snow clearing / removal. The contractor will be required to clear snow up to 3 feet from any/all equipment.
Does the snow have to be hauled off or stock piled somewhere on the lot? Answer: Snow will NOT have to be hauled off or stockpiled anywhere for either of the two locations.
If snow has to be removed where does it have to be hauled to and who maintains that snow dump? Answer: Snow will NOT have to be hauled off or stockpiled anywhere for either of the two locations. At Railhead, Contractor will be required to remove snow from in between the rail tracks (not on them).
Will hard pack need to be removed for spring break up or at any time of contract? Answer: No hard pack will need to be removed at any time during the contract.
Does the snow removal of this lot include the entrance from Alder Ave and around gate entrance? Answer: Yes, the snow removal includes the entrance from alder ave and around gate entrances
Location 2 (Railhead)
Will equipment and materials be moved for snow removal? If not how close will contractor be required to move snow from trailers, buildings, equipment and rail road tracks? Answer: Equipment and materials will not be moved or cleared from the area prior to snow clearing / removal. The contractor will be required to clear snow up to 3 feet from any/all equipment.
Will snow removal be required from Montgomery Rd to rail head entrance? Answer: Yes, snow removal will be required from Montgomery Rd to rail head entrance.
Does this 35 acres include the whole rail head up to Chippewa Ave? Answer: Yes, the 35 acres include the whole rail head up to Chippewa Ave.
Will contractor be responsible to remove snow off of or around rail tracks? Answer: No, the contractor will not be responsible for removing snow off of rail tracks, but yes they will be responsible for around them.
Does snow have to be hauled off or stock piled somewhere on the lot? Answer: Snow will NOT have to be hauled off or stockpiled anywhere for either of the two locations.
If snow has to be removed where does it have to be hauled to and who maintains the snow dump? Answer: Snow will NOT have to be hauled off or stockpiled anywhere for either of the two locations. At Railhead, Contractor will be required to remove snow from in between the rail tracks (not on them).
Will hard pack need to be removed for spring break up or at any time of contract? Answer: No hard pack will need to be removed at any time during the contract.
Contractor asked if we were flexible on our scheduled date range for the initial clearing - could they come a week prior to rail dates since it's going to take them a few days at the railhead. Answer: Yes, the contractor can come a week prior to the 9th of January (first rail off load date) to clear it, although at no additional charge from the initial requirement.
Initial Solicitation
This is a service contract to provide Snow Removal Services in support of JPMRC 25-02.
Please see attached associated documents:
1. Combine Synopsis and Solicitation.
2. Performance Work Statement (PWS)
3. PWS Appendix A
4. PWS Appendix B
Suppliers/offerors are requested to submit any questions or comments via email to Mr. Jefferey Morgan at jefferey.a.morgan.civ@army.mil and SFC Jacobsen, Jovanee at jovanee.d.jacobsen.mil@army.mil.
All submissions are due to the responsible Contracting Office no later than 16 DEC 2024 @ 11:59 PM Alaska Standard Time Zone.