Notice ID: CL24163058
This project is comprised of 381 (45 Deport Level Repairable (DLR) and 339 Consumable) National Stock Numbers (NSNs) that are coded to or have been primarily supplied by General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS) and are in support of several combat vehicles and/or tanks. DLA Land and Maritime is considering a solicitation and subsequent award for an Indefinite Quantity and Indefinite Delivery contract (IDIQ) or Long-Term Contract (LTC) for the NSNs listed in the attached spreadsheet.
Review the NSN below and provide any sources that may be able to manufacture these items. Please fill out the attached market survey to the best of your knowledge to aid the Government in determining the best most beneficial sourcing solution.
COMMERCIAL- Please indicate YES or NO
IMPORTANT: In order for the Government to make a commercial determination, sufficient documentation must be received to prove the items meet the commercial item definition under FAR Part 2.101. Please provide information such as un-redacted sales invoices or of-a-type documentation to show these items have been sold commercially at like prices, for like quantities: refer to FAR 15.403-3 (c)(2)(i) the contracting officer shall limit requests for sales data relating to commercial items to data for the same or similar items during a relevant time period. Please note, under FAR 15.403-3 (c)(2)(iii) the Government shall not disclose outside the Government data obtained relating to commercial items that is exempt from disclosure under FAR 24.202 (a) or the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552 (b)).
This spreadsheet identifies the approved source(s) for each item.
Please return the survey NLT 19 December 2024, to MAJ Naleya Scott at The Government appreciates your time and thanks you for providing the requested information.