AMENDMENT 1 - Provide questions and answers for Boundary Surveys as Attachment 4, posted on 1/14/2025
The United States Department of Agriculture, Farm Production and Conservation (FPAC) Business Center is requesting professional qualification statements (SF-330s) from qualified firms for the architect and engineering (A-E) services of a licensed land surveyor for the performance of legal boundary surveys for projects located throughout the State of Alabama.
The Contractor shall be licensed and registered in the State of Alabama. The Contractor shall provide legal boundary surveys and re-surveys of easements under the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program components: Wetland Reserve Easements (WRE), Emergency Watershed Protection Program-Floodplain Easements (EWPP-FPE); Health Forest Reserve Program (HFRP); and all Farm Bill 2018 Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) U.S. held easements, RCPP-HRFP, and RCPP-WRE easements.
Survey work shall consist of performing all surveys, measurements, computations, drawings, and descriptions according to attached Land Survey Specifications for NRCS Easement Programs.
This acquisition is for A-E services and is procured in accordance with the Selection of Architects and Engineers statute as implemented in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart 36.6. A-E firms meeting the requirements described in this announcement are invited to submit the documentation required of this notice. Firms responding to this announcement before the closing date will be considered for selection, subject to any limitation indicated with respect to business size or any other limitations listed in this notice.
Firms that submitted an SF-330 Professional Qualification Statement in response to 12FPC324R0004 that was accepted for meeting minimum qualifications for work in Alabama, will be automatically considered and may update their package at this time, if necessary. Please provide notification if you no longer wish to be considered.
Survey work shall consist of performing all surveys, measurements, computations, drawings, and descriptions according to attached Land Survey Specification Attachment 1A and 1B.
See the Instructions to Offerors and referenced attachments for complete details.
Attachment 1A – Land Survey Specification rev June 2018 with addendum
Attachment 1B – Land Survey Re-establishment Specification rev June 2018
Attachment 2 – Past Performance Questionnaire