The Child Development Center is located at the Mountain Home Air Force Base in Mountain Home, Idaho. The Child Development Center is a medium size facility that includes infant, pre-toddler, toddler, and preschooler child activity areas, administrative and staff space, and facility support spaces: lobby, restrooms, storage rooms, and kitchen. Building systems include concrete foundation, concrete floor slabs, masonry walls, metal framed roof system, standing seam metal roof, information systems, fire protection and alarm systems, electronic access control, cybersecurity measures, and Energy Monitoring Control Systems (EMCS) connection. Supporting facilities include site development, fencing, utilities and connections, exterior lighting, paving, parking, sidewalks, storm drainage, information systems, landscaping, and signage. Provide connection to streets and access roads, earthwork, grading, concrete pads, electrical and communication utilities. Incorporate mass timber design, including, but not limited to beams, walls,
girders, columns, and roof system. The facility shall not exceed 36,745 SF with a 40M PA. Period of Performance (POP) is expected to be 540 days.
The project will demolish building 2623 (1,034 SM) and 2630 (861 SM) (Total: 1,895 Square Meters).
Facilities will be designed as permanent construction in accordance with the Department of Defense Unified Facilities Criteria 1-200-01. This project will comply with Department of Defense antiterrorism/force protection requirements per Unified Facility Criteria 4 010-01.