Amendment 01:
Added Provision FAR 52.232-18 to document Combined Synopsis Solicitation_Rev1
Added Clauses FAR 52.219-1, DFARS 252.204-7003, 252.204-7016, and 252.225-7059.
All other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
The Massachusetts Air National Guard has a requirement for a Catering Services. The contractor shall provide all labor, materials, parts, personnel, equipment, and transportation necessary to perform all operations to provide and serve catered meals as defined in the Performance Work Statement (PWS) dated 12 December 2024.
Please see the below attachments for more information:
1. Combined Synopsis and Solicitation
2. Provisions and Clauses
3. Performance Work Statement
4. SCA Wage Determination
Questions concerning this combined synopsis and solicitation should be directed to MSgt Nathan Staples at within the time permitted in the Combined Synopsis Solicitation.