The AMRAAM International Users’ Review is aimed at providing Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM) International users the latest information by providing detailed briefings, working groups, and offering topics of discussion related to the AMRAAM missile and software upgrades. The focus is on the AMRAAM international partners. Attendees are from 42 countries (both military and civilian), US government employees and Department of Defense contractors.
Additonal Information:
1. What are the event dates?
Actual event takes place 20-24 April 2026. Event planner will be required to assist in set up and will need to be there 2-3 days before and at least 1 day after.
2. Will attendees pay directly for their own hotel rooms?
Attendees will pay directly for their own hotel rooms.
3. Do you have an existing contract with the Fairmont Dallas?
Event planner will sign a contract with the hotel; The Fairmont Dallas currently has a Letter of Intent on file.
Have they agreed to the per diem rates?
The per diem rates will apply.
Have they provided a detailed quote for event space and A/V? If so, are you prepared to share the value of the hotel contract?
The details of the quote will be worked out between the event planner and the hotel. The hotel is aware of the requirement.
4. The RFP asks the contractor to include an option for maintaining the AMRAAM IUR website. Does the website have an existing registration portal for attendees, or would you like us to quote developing and managing one?
Yes. AMRAAM has an existing registration portal. Developing the site would not be necessary but management of the site is necessary during course of event planning.
5. Is there an incumbent?
The requirement has existed for many years.
6. Would you like our pricing added to the price sheet (FA8520-25-R-0001) or a separate Excel sheet?
Please provide pricing in a separate excel spreadsheet.
7. Is a technical proposal required in addition to the price sheet, or are there any additional instructions to bidders pertaining to the submission?
The Government intends on using past performance during source selection and technical ability/experience will be a factor.
8. If the vendor is to sign the hotel contract and pay for all charges, does the Government offer any pre-payment options to assist with the costs (room charges, meeting rental, etc?) Could you clarify how the payment options/process works in general?
There are no pre-payment options; the vendor would submit the cost invoices and be reimbursed according to Government payment regulations.