Title: Purchase and Delivery of an Office Trailer to Pineville, LA, 71360 Purpose: The Network Contracting Office (NCO) 16 located at 5075 Westheimer Road, Galleria Financial Center, Suite 750, Houston, Texas, hereby issues the following Sources Sought/ Request for Information (RFI) with the intent of determining the contractor interest, capabilities, qualifications of potential businesses, nonmanufacturer rule compliance, Buy American Act compliance, Trade Agreement compliance and estimated industry pricing information for market research and estimated budgetary purpose for the purchase and delivery of an Mobile Office Trailer at Pineville, LA, 71360. Notice of Intent to Sole Source. If there are no responses to this notice, a determination by the Government not to compete based upon responses to this notice is solely within the discretion of the Government to sole source the requirement. No response is a response. Government request that interested offerors complete all questions below, provide required documentation, descriptive literature and authorization letter as described below. The Government is in no way obligated to do business with or to enter into any form of contract with any person, firm or other entity that receives or responds to this announcement. Objective: To find qualified and certified contractors with the capability to provide the following: The Supplier shall be responsible for designing, fabricating, delivering and installation of one (1) 12-0 by 40-0 mobile office. The mobile office shall be life safety code compliant and shall be powered by an existing onsite power source. This work shall include design, fabrication, delivery, and installation of the office trailers. This scope does include design and installation of the hold-downs required for wind and seismic loading. This work will be performed by the contractor. It is anticipated that the method of hold-downs will be in place prior to installation of the mobile office. Attachment of the hold-downs to the mobile office will also be by the contractors. The mobile office must be a brand new (not previously used) facility. In no case shall applicable codes be violated as a result of incorporating the details or notes from the sketches provided. They supplier shall remove old trailer on or before delivery of new office trailer. Place of Performance: Alexandria VA HealthCare System, 2495 Shreveport Hwy 71, Pineville, LA, 71360 Period of Performance: 30 days Opportunity: NCO 16, is seeking information from potential contractors on their ability to provide this requirement. THIS IS A NOTICE OF INTENT TO SOLE SOURCE and SOURCES SOUGHT FOR REQUEST INFORMATION (RFI) ONLY. Small Business Concerns are encouraged to provide responses to this Sources Sought in order to assist the Alexandria VA HealthCare System in determining potential levels of competition available in the industry. Contractor shall possess the capability to provide all requirements and objectives. Instructions and Response Guidelines: Sources Sought responses are due by 01/08/2025 at 2:30 PM (CST) via email to t.miller@va.gov. Telephone requests or inquires will not be accepted. Public Information will not be provided and shall be utilized to the full extent possible. This a New Requirement. The subject line shall read: 36C25625Q0326 - Sources Sought Office Trailer, Pineville, LA. NO SOLICITATION EXISTS AT THIS TIME.