RDD/POP: 12 May 2025
Delivery address and ATTN to:
LTJG Christian Burzycki
1050 Register St North Charleston, SC 29405-2421
see attached SOW also repeated below.
01-51-1, STBD
QAWTD: Exterior Door
Door on FWD part of hangar, to STBD Boat Deck
FR 51
Cutout size: 33” x 73” x 11.5”
Sill cut: 5.5”
Sill height: 9”
Clear opening: 26” x 66” x 8”
Gasket: Silicon rubber Fed Spec ZZ-R-765 (exterior)
Material: Steel
Fixed Light: Yes, 6” diameter, round
Deadlight/fixed light cover: Yes, installed on stiffener side of door
Hold back hook: Yes
Hasp and staple: No
Latch: No CPS latch
Swing: LH
Dogs: 10
Design Pressure: 15 psi (tightness pressure)
Finish: Flame sprayed aluminum and formula 150 primer
Reference: NAVSEA DWG 803-6397268 rev B Assy #25-E
01-52-2, PORT
QAWTD: Exterior Door
Door on FWD part of hangar, to PORT FAS Deck
FR 52
Cutout size: 33” x 73” x 11.5”
Sill cut: 5.5”
Sill height: 9”
Clear opening: 26” x 66” x 8”
Gasket: Silicon rubber Fed Spec ZZ-R-765 (exterior)
Material: Steel
Fixed Light: Yes, 6” diameter, round
Deadlight/fixed light cover: Yes, installed on stiffener side of door
Hold back hook: Yes
Hasp and staple: No
Latch: No CPS latch
Swing: LH
Dogs: 10
Design Pressure: 15 psi (tightness pressure)
Finish: Flame sprayed aluminum and formula 150 primer
Reference: NAVSEA DWG 803-6397268 rev B Assy #26-E