Base Operations Support Contracts for maintenance services at Naval Air Facility El Centro, CA for various tenant commands, the outlying areas supported by these commands. This acquisition will provide maintenance services for the following Annexes Sub-annexes Annex 1 General Information, Annex 2 Management/Administration, Annex 5 Air Operations, 0501040 Ground Electronics, 0501050 Airfield Facilities, 0501070 Passenger Terminal/Cargo Handling, Annex 10 Supply, 1001000 Material Management, Annex 12 Morale, Welfare Recreation Support, Annex 15 Facilities, 1501000 Facilities Management, 1502000 Facilities Investment, 1503010 Custodial, 1503020 Pest Control, 1503040 Other Training Pools, 1503050 Grounds Maintenance/Landscaping, 1503060 Pavement Clearance, Annex 16 Utilities, 1602000 Electrical, 1603000 Gas, 1604000 Wastewater, 1606000 Water, Annex 17 Base Support Vehicles/Equipment , Annex 18 Environmental