The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Veterans Health Administration (VHA), Office of Mental Health, and the Veteran Integrated Service Network (VISN) 4 Mental Illness Research Education and Clinical Center (MIRECC) has a requirement for software that supports our clinical priority of using measurement-based care for the treatment of mental illness. This shall require software maintenance and technical support. Measurement-based care encompasses the use of standardized patient reported outcomes (PRO’s) to inform clinical decision making and to screen for symptoms. Currently VA uses the “BHL software suite” which is a commercial product by Capital Solution Design (CSD). The software is actively used throughout all VA Medical Centers (VAMCs) for delivering evidence-based measurement-based health care. The scope of work for this RFI must either continue supporting the BHL suite or propose a replacement strategy with no interruption in the current service.
The Government requests Industry to review and provide commentary on the attached Draft Performance Work Statement (PWS) for Behavioral Health Lab (BHL) Software Maintenance and Technical Support. The Government intends to review RFI responses to exchange information and improve industry’s understanding of the Government requirement and the Government’s understanding of industry capabilities. This will allow potential offerors to judge whether or how they can satisfy the Government’s requirements and enhance the Government’s ability to obtain quality supplies and services.