NIST is solicitating comments from the construction community addressing the potential use of Project Labor Agreements (PLA) on a FY25 Design-Build construction project on NIST's headquarters campus located in Gaithersburg, Maryland. The project is the modernization of building 245 on the Gaithersburg campus. The B245 Modernization Program supports the construction of new H-Wing and D-Wing Additions and remodeling of the existing wings of B245. Only C, D, and partial A-Wings have been completed to date along with the H & D Additions (approx. 190k GSF). The remaining efforts being considered under Phase II include A-Wing and all of B-Wing (total of approx. 122k GSF) which are pending future funding. The building remains in an interim state, where only the modernized portion has been brought up to code. Existing untouched portions of the building continue to have leaks and are not code compliant.