This supply contract is required to support the Womack Army Medical Center (WAMC) for Hearing Aid Tester. The Hearing Aid Tester will be utilized to confirm hearing aid functioning and amplification. This system is approved and will be placed on the network through our pre-existing and currently in use, hearing aid programming software. The Hearing Tester Verifit VF-2 includes:
VerifitVF-2 Hearing Tester, Audioscan Noah module Audioscan Noah module, Installation Fee and Shipping. This updated equipment enables standard-of-care for hearing aid fittings. Without it, hearing aid fittings and troubleshooting can be inaccurate/ineffective. With the Verifit2, you can check to make sure that hearing aids are maximizing the use of the benefits of the wideband spectrum. Verifit2 has the widest acoustic bandwidth of most systems on the market at 16kHZ and provides pinpoint clarity up to a 1/3 octave at 12.5kHz. This device does not have to connect to any peripheral devices or network to furnish output. The device can simultaneously measure both ears reducing the amount of time needed for each patient encounter.