Request for Information (RFI)
Subject: Industry Input on Tele behavioral and emergency Health Contract CLIN Structure, Unit Billing, and PWS Review
1. Introduction
The Billings Area is seeking industry feedback to enhance the quality and effectiveness of an upcoming solicitation for telehealth services. This Request for Information (RFI) is issued solely for market research and planning purposes. It does not constitute a solicitation or a commitment by the government to award a contract.
The government intends to develop a contract structure that aligns with industry best practices while meeting mission-critical requirements. Your input will help ensure the Performance Work Statement (PWS), Contract Line-Item Number (CLIN) structure, and unit billing approach are clear, practical, and effective.
2. Objective
The objective of this RFI is to:
- Understand industry preferences for CLIN structure and units of measure for telehealth service.
- Solicit recommendations for optimizing billing methodologies (e.g., per study, per hour, flat rate).
- Seek feedback on the draft Performance Work Statement (PWS) to improve clarity and quality.
3. Industry Input Requested
We invite teleradiology providers to respond to the following:
1. CLIN Structure:
Q: Based on your experience, how should CLINs for telehealth services be structured to facilitate accurate billing and reporting?
Q: Would you prefer CLINs based on specific services or broader categories?
2. Unit Billing:
Q: What unit of measure do you find most effective for billing (e.g., per claim, per hour, per month)?
3. PWS Review:
Q: Please review the attached draft PWS and provide suggestions to improve its quality, clarity, and alignment with industry standards.
Q: Are there additional requirements or details we should include to ensure seamless service delivery?
4. Technical Recommendations:
Q: Do you have recommendations for incorporating software licensing, training, or technical support into the contract structure?
Q: How do you ensure compliance with security and privacy standards (e.g., HIPAA)?
5. Additional Comments:
Please share any other insights, challenges, or recommendations based on your experience providing telehealth services.
4. Submission Details
Please submit your responses to this RFI no later than 03/17/2025 to Johnna Spotted at Responses should include the following:
• Company Name, Address, and Point of Contact Information
• Statement of Qualifications, a brief description of your company and relevant experience
• Responses to the questions above
The government may use your feedback to refine its acquisition strategy and solicitation documents. However, no proprietary or business-sensitive information will be shared outside the evaluation team.
5. Disclaimer
This RFI is issued solely for informational purposes and does not constitute a solicitation or an obligation to issue a future solicitation. Responses to this RFI are not offers and cannot be accepted by the government to form a binding contract.
We appreciate your time and input in assisting us to develop a comprehensive and industry-aligned approach to telehealth services.
Johnna Spotted
Contract Specialist
Billings Area Office