Specifications include, but are not limited to: It is the intention of the Beaufort County School District (the "Owner") to select Contractorsusing the Evaluation Criteria stated herein, via competitive sealed proposals, to provide expertiseto the Owner in Pre-Construction Phase Services and Construction Phase Services ("CM atRisk") for the numerous renovation projects at various facilities within the District, all located inBeaufort County, SC as described in Section II. This work shall be performed pursuant to anAIA form contract as modified by the Owner, with a guaranteed maximum price (GMP). Theform of the AIA-A121-CMc-2003 as modified (incorporating the AIA A201-1997 as modified)is attached. Some descriptions of activities or deliverables stated in this RFP document aremerely summaries of more complete detailed requirements of these modified A121-CMc-2003and A201-1997 contract forms, which should be consulted and understood prior to submittal of aproposal.The selected Contractors will serve as integral members of the project teams to provide expertiseduring the Pre-Construction Phase. The Contractor s expertise should include, but not be limitedto, knowledge of construction means and methods, knowledge of materials and placementmethods, cost estimating/value engineering, and skilled trade considerations. The owner placessignificant emphasis on similar experience in South Carolina K-12 school renovation experience.The services related to Pre-Construction Phase activities will include, but are not limited to, costestimating, development of a project scope, project scheduling, construction packaging andphasing, permitting/process planning and coordination of the subcontractor/vendor solicitation,sub-contractor pre-qualification, projection of construction cost and cash flow, and valueengineering. These services, which are more thoroughly discussed in the attached form of theAIA A121CMC-2003, will be provided as requested by the Owner and Architect/Engineer("Project Team") during the Pre-Construction Phase of the Project