Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Proposed Project is for the replacement of multiple HVAC systems in a single-storyoffice space of approximately 12,000 square feet. Work will include but is not limited to:Removal of approximately six (6) roof mounted multi-zone HVAC units;Removal of existing ductwork;Installation of multiple variable refrigerant flow mini-split systems. Total tonnageis approximately 50 tons. Proposed systems will include multiple systems withinstallation of roof mounted outdoor units, multiple indoor units of variousconfigurations (wall mounted, ceiling mounted, cassettes, etc), all associatedrefrigerant piping, associated wall and ceiling repair, and miscellaneous associatedinstallation requirements for a complete project;Project will likely require after hours or weekend work;Electrical installation, roofing repair and low-voltage controls will be provided byother contractors hired and directed by the Owner. The selected mechanicalcontractor shall cooperate fully with all associated contractors hired by the Ownerto ensure a successful project.