Specifications include, but are not limited to: The intent of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit all services and supplies for Low Voltage Cabling with Fixed Pricing, complying with the enclosed description and/or specifications and conditions for the Beaufort County School District. Possible projects to be completed within the term of this contract include the following: Cabling to add wireless access points (AP) to middle and high schools to provide for one AP per classroom. Current count is approximately one AP per two classrooms. Cabling to add wireless access points (AP) to elementary schools to provide for one AP per classroom. Current count is approximately one AP per two classrooms. Cabling to bolster the number of APs in large common spaces (media centers, gymnasiums, lunch rooms, multipurpose rooms) from 1 to 2 APs to 2 to 4 APs in all schools. Cabling to add additional outside wireless hotspots. Small additions of or repairs to network drops